Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Colosseum and the Roman Forum

On Monday the group when on a tour of the Colosseum and the Roman Forum. I have to say that all of my years of waiting to visit these places, I was slightly disappointed with my the experience. I know that I am not very excitable and it is hard for me to get really enthused about something but, for me, the Colosseum was not what I expected it to be. Do not get me wrong, it was an amazing experience but it did not live up to all the hype that I had heard about it. Being a History major this trip is something that is not only just be really cool but it will help me in my studies, both at Walsh and other future institutions.
My initial response to seeing the Colosseum was, "Wow, it looks just like the pictures that I saw on Google images when I was researching for my research paper a couple of weeks ago!" I am sure that if Dr. Selby would have heard that quote come out of my mouth she would have wondered why I was not thinking of something more meaning or insightful. I think that hearing people talk about the Colosseum and being able to see it on the internet all the time really takes away form the "wow" factor that this site could have had, especially for me. I also think that it is really sad that the first thing I thought about was to compare the real, tangible Colosseum to images taken and posted on the internet.
I would have to say that the tour guide was both a blessing and a curse at the Colosseum and the Roman Forum. On one hand, she was able to provide the group with very important information about the landscape of the areas that the Colosseum was built on and the history of why the Colosseum was built and how it affect the Romans. On the other hand, we did not have any time to explore the sites on our own with the comfort of being with the group. Although we are able to return to these sites on our own, it is nerve wracking knowing that I will have to go alone or with a companion. I am sure that over time I will be more confident in my travel skills but as of now, it is something that bothers me.
All in all the day was good! I had my first Italian cappuccino that morning at the train station and then had my first taste of Italian pizza for lunch. I enjoyed the tours of both the Colosseum and the Roman Forum and am excited to return when I can. I hope that being able to fully engage in my own thoughts and being able to contemplate where I am will help me to really appreciate visiting these ancient sites. These two sites are some of the most well know places in the world and I hope that I can feel the same enthusiasm for them here as I do from the comfort of my own home.


  1. I agree Meg! It was awesome being there and being able to see what all these people have been talking about. I just feel that it is cool to be able to go and tell people that I actually had the opportunity to go and see this famous structure.

  2. I agree with you on the slightly disappointed aspect. I was super pumped to see it and the hype about it has been built up over a course of all different history classes growing up, but when getting there it wasn't exactly what I expected. I was thoroughly impressed with it but thought it was going to be even more glorious then what it actually was.

  3. The Colosseum was one of the things on my list to do before I die - and like you, I expected...something else. It was disappointing, and I'm glad that I wasn't the only one who felt that way. At least I can say I've seen it though.

  4. I was also very excited to see the colosseum. It was interesting to learn about what went on there, but did look as amazing as i thought.
